Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First Floor Framing & Carport Slab

The framers have been working hard this week erecting the walls on the first floor. It's been a hot week and everyday when I drive by at lunchtime I see more half-naked bodies than I need to! The perimeter walls are now all up and they will continue working on the interior walls. We can really get a feel for the rooms and the layout now -- and I've got to say, we are tickled!

Another major activity today was that the carport slab got poured!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

We have a 1st floor!!

The flooring was laid today on the first floor level. That means they can only start building up from this point!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Matt and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary today. What a great night! After a wonderful dinner we were able to go over to the house to inspect today's progress from the framing crew. All of the floor joists have been installed and the crew is awaiting a framing inspection before continuing on with laying the flooring. Earlier in the evening I had dropped off a bottle of wine that we brought back from Italy during our honeymoon and a couple of lawn chairs. We threw some plywood onto the joists at the first floor and set up the chairs to enjoy a relaxing first evening at our new home. We shared some wine and talked with some folks passing by. This is going to be a GREAT neighborhood. We are so excited for many more nights spent on our front porch. :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Framing Starts!

Friday brought the start of the framing crew. We were excited to move beyond the masonry and start seeing some wood onsite. Materials were loaded on the site a little work was done to frame aroung the foundations. The biggest change was seeing the stairs framed at the basement. This gave us a sense of the layout of the house once this core area was established.

Over the weekend Matt and I worked at the house. We needed to move the elm tree stumps in order to free us some space onsite for a dumpster (which we gladly welcome as we are both tired of seeing workers' cups and daily trash). Also, we installed some perimeter drainage on our own to make sure that we don't have any basement leaks in the future. We can't count how many times we were interupted by neighbors/friends that stopped by!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Brick at the Foundations

Not much activity last week as we have been waiting for the bricks to come in. They finally arrived on Friday and the masons were able to get started laying them around the foundation. We are tickled with our color choice! The early part of this week will be spent laying the rest of the brick.